Weight Gain and the Holidays
Well, it's official! We MADE IT through the holidays. I can't say we lost weight. . . We had so much fun with our family and friends. All the fun times did cause both of us to have a slight weight gain...BUT....the "damage" was minimal! I have to admit, stepping on the scale Christmas Morning, I held my breath and expected the worst. I actually ended up losing 1 lb (but still up from two weeks before). Now, New Year's Monday was a different story. I guess I splurged a little too much, and I gained 4 lbs!!! That's ok, it could have been much more! Like Mom's gain of 5 pounds. So now we are focused on managing our weight gain.
Oh, did I forget to mention we have a little competition going? She got confused and thought that we were competing on who could eat the most over the holidays! Just kidding, we decided we were not going to stress over the holidays and enjoy everything. Life is way too short, and we are enjoying every day.
I know exactly where we went wrong, too!
- DRINKING (way too much holiday festivities. . . and family)
- Not writing EVERYTHING (anything) down.
- The old "It's TOO cold to walk" excuse and didn't move at all (I don't think my Fitbit went over 4000 steps in 3 weeks)
- Not measuring EXACTLY what went on the plate (we make this old-fashioned stuffing every year, and it's seriously delicious!).
- The poor food scale was also totally neglected and lonely this holiday season 🙁
Even though there was some weight gain, I think it was fairly minimal, considering breaking so many of the guidelines we try to use. We did stick to watching portion sizes, limiting snacks, and laughing A LOT! Now! No more excuses; back to the steps that originally made us successful and back to managing WEIGHT GAIN!!! We have a new year ahead of us and 100 lbs to go! This is happening, people, and I am so excited to hit the play button and GO!!! We know the pounds will come off; after all, we lost over 100 pounds in 2017. And everyone knows how busy 2017 was for us!
How did you do over the holiday? Any weight gain? Are you ready to hit that play button, or not quite yet?
Please let us know what you think